A Year & A Day: Fext

Changeling: the Dreaming

Homebrew Rules

Character Creation Guide Download: Fext.pdf

Quoth the Fext:

“How now, dread Son of the Dragon? Was it not thine own hand what stayed my heated heart before the grave? Aye, and now none but mine own hand shall still thy cold heart now. Pick up thine blade and have at thee…”

Kith Excerpt:

If a Changeling dies a horribly violent death, with hatred in heart and a curse on tongue, then that Changeling usually dies an unhappy death. Rarely such a creature is reborn as one of the accursed dauntain- the Autumn people who are fueled by the winter of discontent. Even more rarely, however, is that the Death is so celebrated, the hatred in heart so forcefully poetic, and the curse on the tongue so blatantly perverse, that the Dreaming itself can’t help but intervene. They bring back the corpse of the slain Changeling in a manner not dissimilar of a revenant or the like. These Corpse-Kithain are the Fext, and their lust for vengeance will not be denied.

Rare in the extreme, they have only been witnessed in the Lands beyond the Forest since the 1600’s. In Moravia, Bohemia, and Wallachia, these once-fae crawled their ways out of the tomb and back into mortal frames. To the humans who saw them, they were celebrated as powerful forces for a just war, immune to firepower and death. To Fae eyes, the Fext were a new family of Death-Fae, bringing the chill of the tomb back with them, but whose Dreaming-given allergy to iron was replaced with something far more peculiar.

With the child of the tomb, however, the Fext brought with them a deeper understanding of the nature of living and dying. A good life or poor death don’t matter to the history books, but vengeance and glorious warfare are remembered for generations. It was the Fexts first death that made them legends enow to be reborn, and they’ll be damned if their next death and quest of vengeance doesn’t gain them the same renown.



“That wile beast, which lives in man and does not dare to show itself until the barriers of law and custom have been removed, was now set free. The signal was given, the barriers were down. As has so often happened in the history of man, permission was tacitly granted for acts of violence and plunder, even for murder…” ― Peter Maass, Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War

“This time, baby, I’ll be bulletproof.” – LaRoux, “Bulletproof”


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