A Year and A Day: Pumpkin-Head

Changeling: the Dreaming

Homebrew Rules

Character Creation Guide Download: Pumpkin-Head.pdf

Quoth the Pumpkin-Head:

“Hey there stranger, care to enjoy some home-made peach cobbler? Come on in, it’s getting dark out there, and no telling what might happen to strangers way out here in the boonies…”

Kith Excerpt:

Scattered across these Great United States are small farms in the middle of seemingly nowhere U.S.A. Backwater flyover States with too few people and too many miles between villages. Here the Pumpkin-Heads care for their crops, raise their families, and watch the wheels of the years spin true. The Pumpkin-Heads are an enigmatic Kith of vegetable headed country-folk that have existed in the Hidden-Valleys and far-away farmlands of the American Frontier for only the Gods know how long. They may have origins that coincide with the Kubera Phylum of Inanimae, or they may be cousins to the Ghille-Dhu, or the Fastachee Families of the Nunnehi… none can know for sure, and the Pumpkin-Heads are far from open about their ways.

Rumors abound about the Pumpkin-Heads. There are stories of strangers disappearing too close to the Pumpkin-Heads’ farms. The Pumpkin-Heads always have successful crop- yields. Their farms are always successful, and everyone connected with the house smiles, all the time… It’s just not normal say some. There’s old and dark Earth magic at work whisper others. The Pumpkin-Heads will even welcome these rumors, and smile at them as they pass the rhubarb cobbler.

Creepily distant and quiet on their far-away farms? “Abso-tively.” Maddenly secretive smiles when pressed for information about their ways? “Yes indubludi—deedy.” Harboring murderous and bloody rites that ensure the continual circle of the season? “Could –might-be, neighbouroonies…” All that can be known about the enigmatic veggie-topped farmers is that they are creepily polite, gregarious to a fault, and intensely uncommunicative about any and all of their secrets.



“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up…”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

“I’m gonna take you where your body will lie
I’m a take you there, my friend
I’m gonna show you where your life will end
This curse I cast, you’re Pumpkin-head!”
– The Misfits, “Pumpkinhead”


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