A Year and A Day: Fir Gorma

Changeling: the Dreaming

Homebrew Rules

Character Creation Guide Download: Fir-Gorma.pdf

Quoth the Fir Gorma:

“Well, then, I say- ‘it is all too easy to consider that Marc Chagall never really felt himself a Cubist or a Surrealist, though both claimed him as their own.’ Was he then a Surrealist? Was he? What do you have to say about that?”

Kith Excerpt:

The French have l’esprit d’escalier, the spirit of the stair-case, which is the feeling of lost opportunity of words, or of saying something too late; When one walks away from a conversation and thinks “I should have said something else, or said something better, or even simply said something. To the Hyperborean family of Fir-Gorma, it means something else, it is the spirits of those who lost verbal battles and are now unhappy ghosts.

The Fir-Gorma means literally the Blue-men, though there are plenty of women in the tribe. This Thallain Tribe has haunted the Minch, the sea-straits between the northern-most Celtic Islands since time immemorial. They are aquatic and spend most of their time frolicking about in the brine, unhindered by the ocean’s chill. Good honest Christian fisher-folk, swimming tourists (if the water’s warm enough) and other visitors to the seaside are at the verbal mercy of the Blue-Men who engage in all manner of verbal sparring.

This verbal sparring is what the Fir-Gorma are most known for. Logical debates, political diatribes, even exchanges of insults (a cultural holdover from Viking occupation known as Flyting) are the means of gauging whether a person (Mortal, Fae, or otherwise) can prove a fitting meal. Those that win such battles are usually free to leave unharmed (usually). Those that lose might mysteriously disappear in the outside world… but those in the know have a better answer, they should have ended with “Your Momma…”



“Last words are always harder to remember when no one knows that someone’s about to die.”
― John Green, “Looking for Alaska”


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