A Year & A Day: Kimbasi

Changeling: the Dreaming

Homebrew Rules

Character Creation Guide Download: Kimbasi.pdf

Quoth the Kimbasi:

“I do not like your offerings. That water is not fresh, the bowl is dirty and cracked. If you do not bring me a better offering before sundown, then before sunrise you will have incurred my wrath.”

Kith Excerpt:

The Kimbasi, not to be confused with the Bimbasi (Inanimae) Spirits of the wilds, are a misunderstood family. To the uninitiated, they are mermaids, beautiful and serene. The rest of the Emere in the Kingdom of Ancient Mysteries know better, the Kimbasi are dark Goddesses of primordial water, beautiful and terrifying in their power. Their appearance may be mermaid-esque, but their purpose is so much more. Many might know each of them by their colloquial title, Mami-Wata (Literally, the Mother of Waters) a testament to their ancient lineage as Goddesses.

Since time immemorial, the all-female Kimbasi were stewards of those mortals destined for greatness. Their domains were always along freshwater shores, rivers and lakes and the like. and served as meeting houses for great sorcerers. Witch Doctors and magicians would come to them for aid and would bring sacrifices and offerings. The Kimbasi would choose which of the hopeful magic users showed the most promise and indoctrinate them into the secrets of the waters.

Even in the modern age, those in the know still venerate and respect these watery Goddesses. Though now they may seek a different kind of clientele instead of the Sorcerers of ages past. Up and coming starlets, young venture capitalist, a bright-eyed youth with a stout heart and a big dream. And yes, the occasional modern sorcerer. Though there are still protocols for those who would truck with the Big-Lady in Charge.

Real or imagined slights incur their wrath. Only the bravest or most foolish would willy-nilly deal with the Kimbasi. Lack of offerings to show worth, barging into meet with them unannounced, talking down to them…. Their fury, even if not fatal, is life-altering and dangerous, Worse yet, the Kimbasi lovingly nurse grudges, and slights against them may never be forgiven.



“We designate the spirit of the well as ‘she’ because in most of her personifications she takes a female form, though not invariably. She appears in many guises – ghost, witch, saint, mermaid, fairy, and sometimes in animal form, often as a sacred fish – and her presence permeates well lore, and indeed water lore generally.”
― Colin Bord


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