A Year and A Day: Adnoartina

Changeling: the Dreaming

Homebrew Rules

Character Creation Guide Download: Adnoartina.pdf

Quoth the Adnoartina:

“Oi there Mate, glad you’re enjoying the view up here, but you’re off the path you are… you should head back the way you came, you might get hurt up here.”

Kith Excerpt:

The Adnoartina, or colloquially called the Lizard Wizards, are an altruistic family of reptilian Yuuri (Kith) that share a common ancestor. This primordial God/dess, also called Adnoartina, was a chthonic protector of Uluru ( the proper term for Ayers Rock). His many many descendants, likewise, serve as protectors and wards of similarly magic places scattered across the Never-when.

Unlike other Kith, either White-feller, or Aboriginal, the Adnoartina aren’t born of mortals who undergo a chrysalis. Rather, they are born as lizards; goannas, monitors, Skinks, large geckos, even the odd legless lizards (Pygopodidae). The chrysalis that carries them from mundane lizard to Changeling is marked with a visitation from their Ancestor deity, who charges them with their protectorate. The rest of their Chrysalis is much the same as other Kiths, however, excepting for maybe the gift of a human meat-suit, which brings no end of frivolity. “Hey guys, look! I have hair in the dumbest places! Human bodies are stupid!”



“I climb up the stalk and plant the bean
The universe is a machine
That has awoken from a dream
The universe is a machine
– King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, “Invisible Face”


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