A Year and A Day: Aria

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Aria.pdf Quoth the Aria: “Lighten up, Hey. It’s not like I’m going to bite…

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A Year and A Day: Musgosu

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Musgosu.pdf Quoth the Musgosu: “Because every girl is crazy about a sharp-dressed ram. Hah!…

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A Year and A Day: Brag

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Brags.pdf Quoth the Brag: “The problem being, of course, that I am the sexiest…

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A Year and A Day: Abgal

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Abgal.pdf Quoth the Abgal: “Of course the Greeks did it right, they had Alexander…

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A Year and A Day: Vily

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Vily.pdf Quoth the Vily: “How now mortal, what are this carriage without a horse?…

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A Year and A Day: Glashtyn

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Glashtyn.pdf Quoth the Glashtyn: “Good evening, Miss. I hope I’m not intruding, but you…

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A Year and A Day: Gwyllion

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Gwyllion.pdf Quoth the Gwyllion: *None, just labored, open-mouthed, heavy breathing… Kith Excerpt: The Name…

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A Year and A Day: Jentilak

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Jentilak.pdf Quoth the Jentilak: “Please, don’t come up here. This is my home further…

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A Year and A Day: Fatae

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Fatae.pdf Quoth the Fatae: “You like me! You really like me!” *All accompanied by…

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