A Year and A Day: Kirkgrim

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Kirkgrim.pdf Quoth the Kirkgrim: “This be hallowed Ground, me brother. Best to be minding…

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A Year and A Day: Ved

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Ved.pdf Quoth the Ved: “Greetings neighbor, are you needing any helps this fine day?…

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A Year and A Day: Kuta

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Kuta.pdf Quoth the Kuta: “A what? Where the hell would I keep a singing…

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A Year and A Day: Yaksha

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Yaksha.pdf Quoth the Yaksha: “Show some respect, this was once a breathing, feeling, thinking,…

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A Year and A Day: Fe’e

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Fee.pdf Quoth the Fe’e: “Halt! Who travels here without my permission? Be prepared to…

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A Year and A Day: Jellies

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Jellies.pdf Quoth the Jelly: “Good morning Friend, pleasant day we’re having. But I like…

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A Year and A Day: Norns

Changeling: the Dreaming Homebrew Rules Character Creation Guide Download: Norn.pdf Quoth the Norn: “Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!” (“Fate goes ever as…

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